So I went shopping today for the things
our hero requested and my client
Dana came with me because we were on our way to lunch. Dana is a navy vet and is a big military booster. I was telling him about what the team is up to with these freedom bags and the
herobox and I told him our first one was due to ship by July 13th, so I was going to fill it and get reimbursed from the
team shop once we sold some freedom bags. He decided to buy some magazines to put in the box. He went a little nuts on the magazines, then insisted on paying for EVERYTHING. I'm not gonna say what the bill was, but a typical magazine is $5 or more. Believe me, this box is sooo stuffed!
The kitten feels that heros deserve EXTRA snuggles, but her purr-y self would not fit in the box.
The instruction sheet said "pack tightly to avoid shifting during transit." I think I got that nailed down! Candy makes GREAT packing material.... and it's delicious, too!I wonder if herobox realizes that their R is upside down on the labels?We're sending:
Requested items:
2 bottles of shampoo (girls and boys)
2 hand sanitizers
2 big tubs of baby wipes
LOTS of candy used as packing material.. 2 bags of starburst, bag a of skittles, jellybeans, and a bag of smarties
a small jar of green goddess balm (that I got on etsy from my friend Ami @
monamiga). I figure our solider is probably in the desert and this stuff is the best thing ever for super dry skin
and the 10 or so magazines Dana picked out about motorcycles, cars, military, science and history
I have 2 more bottles of shampoo and some hand sanitizer in reserve because it wouldn't all fit. So, listen y'all, Dana said we better sell some freedom bags so we can send one next month, too! THANK YOU, DANA for your astounding generosity!
Wow! How generous! Thank you for doing this!
I just got chills reading this - SO GREAT!!
Thank you for doing all shopping and shipping!
Great job!! and the shop looks AMAZING! I love your idea of using candy to stuff the box!!
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