Monday, June 29, 2009

Bag your title to get people to your shop

Good advice for search engine optimization in your items titles using both Etsy and Artfire from Kristy over at Shiney Adornments. Most of us really don't think much about our item titles, but these are what Google uses to generate search results. It's worth the time to consider each one carefully and change them to get better placement. You can't rely on just "walk through" traffic on etsy or artfire to bring people into your shop .. afterall they have HUNDREDS or perhaps THOUSANDS of other options on both sites selling similar products to yours. In that kind of maze, every little bit of edge helps people find YOUR SHOP.

Check out the articles below for an explanation of how both sites generate the search titles and how you can impact your rankings by working within their framework.

Article 1
Article 2

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